Welcome to my site

My name is Jon and I live in Englewood, FL. I am involved in many things including amateur radio. This is my amatuer radio site.


Code Practice

You may have noticed the banner on my page is a morse code beacon. You can turn on the sound by clicking on the banner. It is currently sending my call sign ('W1JP') over and over. If you want to practice your code you can modify the speed and send a message below. If you are a beginner it is recommended that you use WPM = 5 and Farnsworth = 20. (get used to hearing the symbols (dits and dahs) at a faster rate and receive characters at a slower rate).

Beacon Controls

The form below will enqueue the message sent to the beacon. Note it will finish the current message before sending yours; however, the speed change is immediate. After your message it will go back to my call sign.
Have fun!

Words Per Minute. Must be inclusively between 5-40.
WPM must be between 5 and 40 inclusively.
The speed of dits and dahs. Must be ≥ WPM and ≤ 40.
Farnsworth must be greater than or equal tp WPM and less than or equal to 40.

Can only contain letters, spaces, and [.,?/+=]